Whistleblowing channel


Notice about the complaints channel

At Mafesa we are committed to transparency and regulatory compliance. For this reason, we have implemented a whistleblowing channel that allows users to report securely, confidentially and anonymously any action or omission that may constitute a crime or serious or very serious administrative offence. This channel has full legal force and is designed to protect the identity of whistleblowers and ensure that they do not suffer reprisals for their collaboration.

Before continuing, we ask you to ensure that this channel is the correct procedure for your report, thus guaranteeing that your communication is made in the most appropriate and effective way possible.


Purpose of the whistleblowing channel:

  • Ensure compliance with the law and internal company protocols.
  • Enable reporting of criminal acts, administrative infractions and other inappropriate behaviour.


Protection of the informant:

  • Total confidentiality of the informant's identity and the information provided.
  • Anonymity guaranteed by the Report2Box platform.
  • Absolute prohibition of reprisals against bona fide informants.


Rights of informants:

  • Access, rectification and deletion of personal data according to the GDPR.
  • Assistance with interpreters or translated documentation if necessary.


We thank you for your cooperation and trust.